Next deadline: September 12, 2025

Open the Operation Round Up application below and complete this online application entering your information. Submit the financials or other documents via e-mail or mail. The letter below outlines what types of projects are eligible and not eligible.

Operation Round Up Application (PDF to print and fill out)
Operation Round Up Application (Word document; fill it out on your computer, do a "save as" and email the file to info@federatedrea.coop). Click here for an RTF version if your PC is not Word compatible.
Operation Round Up Letter

Operation Round Up is a voluntary program started in September of 1994. Participating members allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar amount and this change goes to a special trust fund administered by the Trust Board. For example, a customer's electric bill of $62.75 is rounded up to $63. The 25 cents is added to the Trust Funds. This small change really adds up! Since the first round of funding in 1995, more than $982,000 has been awarded to local organizations (for example, fire departments, youth programs, environmental programs, emergency energy assistance and disaster relief) and as high school scholarships.

About 75 percent of Federated's members participate. Federated members can join the Round Up program by calling Federated. If more members would participate, we would have more funds to award to area organizations; besides, it's tax deductible. The average member contribution is about $6 a year. To apply for funds, open the two files above explaining eligible and noneligible organizations and the application itself.


Your Operation Round Up Trust Board:


District 1:                  Ruth Dicks, Lakefield
District 2:                  Jessica Williams, Jackson
District 3:                  Lea Heinrichs, Jackson
District 4:                  Dawn Skow, Alpha
District 5:                  Stuart Smart, Welcome
District 6:                  Jessica Sauck, Truman
Director At-Large:     Robert Pousch, Fairmont